Thursday, January 29, 2015

19 Months

Brady's 19 month stats
  • Weight: 25 lbs. 13 oz. (50th percentile) 
  • Length/Height:  32 inches (20th percentile)
  • Head Size:  99th percentile
  • Clothes: You are wearing 18 month bottoms that fit around the waist but are a little long and 18-24 month shirts. You are wearing 18 month sleepers. 
  • Shoes: You wear a size 5 shoe.
  • Diapers: Pampers Nighttime Size 4, Luvs during the day Size 4
  • Food: You eat good for most of your main meals...generally dinner is a lighter meal.  You like watermelon, cereal bars, yogurt, honeydew, spaghetti, green beans, peas and carrots. For snacks, you LOVE goldfish crackers. You are drinking whole milk (still in your baba) and love water.
  • Development:  You love to look at the pictures in your books and will turn to pages where you know the name of an object on that page (car).  You can run fast and usually only fall when you're tired. You love to throw the ball for Sam. You have an insane love for vacuuming and use your toy golf bag to imitate vacuuming.  You love to play with pots and pans. You point when you want someone's attention or want something from them. You are good at sharing and saying thank you!
  • Words: You have started to talk a lot in the past month and repeat a number of things when we say them to you.  Your favorite words are Steve and Vanna (Family Feud and Wheel of Fortune, respectively). You also say car, thank you, done, and have recently started say no like you are asking a question.
  • Teeth: I know for sure you have 16. Your drooling subsided about a month ago, so it's possible you have all 20 by now.
  • Sleep:  You go to bed around 8pm and wake up at 7-8am.  You take a 1.5 - 2.5 hour nap in early morning/noon time.
  • What I love about you: If you want to do something, you will figure out a way to do it. You give mom a hug first thing in the morning.  You now say "awww" when you give hugs which is the sweetest sound. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

2014 was...a blur!

2014 went by so fast, but in a good way. So many amazing things happened this year - most of all - Brady milestones! Turning 1. Walking. Baby jabbering. Christmas #2.

I fall more and more in love with my little boy every day that passes. It's just so fascinating to watch him grow and learn new things. <3

A few of my favorite photos from Christmas:.

Playing on the elliptical while we open presents

Loving his new tent

New chair from Grandpa M.

Grandma Lynda

Grandpa M. & Brady reading

Watching TV while opening presents with Grandma O.

I need a break, guys...

Mama Brady selfie

Checking out the suite at Grandpa Dave's bed & breakfast

Breakfast at Grandpa Dave's

The cottage at Grandpa Dave's

Grandpa D's - Christmas morning

His new Mickey car from Grandpa D.

Brady helping Grandpa D. open a present

Brady stole Daddy's phone

Had to nap halfway thru opening presents

Helping Grandpa D. cook

Christmas is so tiring!

Just woke up from a nap

His favorite new toy

At Grandma & Grandpa Y's - Christmas Evening

Caught Grandpa Y off guard

Drinking a baba

He loves his Scout

Minion slippers!

A couple days after Christmas, it was super warm, so we went to the park!

Here's a link to ALL the Christmas photos on my Facebook for those that want to look at all of them :)